Who we are & why we unsettled
So, how did we get here?
My husband and I were parked at an overlook on a rocky beach in Southern California. Our 14 month-old daughter was asleep in the back of our very safe and sensible family car. We were contemplating our next move. For quite some time we knew we needed to make a dramatic change. We needed to stop living outside of our means.
We were paying an exorbitant amount of money in rent but we also weren’t ready to do what societal norms demand of us. You know the phrase: settle down. We couldn't afford to buy a house where we wanted. Even if we could, we'd be working ourselves to death and would never have time to build roots in our community and enjoy it. We'd be house poor. We couldn't stomach that feeling and, to be honest, we weren’t ready for that permanence quite yet anyway.
We had been scheming for a while, though. We were once hellbent on buying an RV and visiting every national park in the continental US. But we got cold feet knowing that that large of an investment would require another massive, soul-crushing loan. Resigned to the inevitable concessions we would have to make, I lost myself in the sounds of the waves and the seagulls. Then my husband turned to me and said, "Why do we need to settle down? Why do we have to? Why can’t we stay mobile?”
I looked at him like he was nuts. We had been through this already - the RV plan wasn’t in the cards right now. “I’m serious. Let’s do this,” he said. I stopped for a minute and felt the wave of anxiety rushing over me again. He continued to say, “What’s holding us back from seeing the world?” Then it struck me, as if I already knew the answer all along...
Nothing. Seriously. Nothing.
So, here’s a our story…

I am from a small college town in southern Virginia. Matt, my husband, is from a sleepy one-stoplight town in the hills of central Maryland. And about our daughter, Kai? Well, she’s cooler than both of us. She is a native Californian. She’s lucky enough to hail from sunny and beautiful San Diego where we moved about four years ago.
When Kai was 9 months old, I left my 9-5 job to be back home with her. My husband, a web designer and developer, also works from home. The last year or so has been perfect, living and working out of our tiny, white 2 bedroom bungalow (with a white picket fence!) in an urban area of San Diego, ironically enough, called Normal Heights.
We have a dozen palm trees in our yard and near perfect weather year-round. There are endless resources for children and new families, the best craft beer in the country, 70 miles of coastline and Mexi-Cali food that absolutely cannot be beat. We couldn't ask for a better 'Normal' life. But still, the travel bug itches. That is an itch we have to scratch.
"Normal" life bungalow in San Diego, Normal Heights, California.
So, why did we decide to Unsettle Down?
By now you’re probably wondering why in the world did we decide to give up this life in Sun Diego. Well, you could blame it on our gypsy souls. You could blame it on our love for adventure. You could blame it on our insatiable obsession with new cultures and experiences. You could even blame it on being spoiled. We don't care what it is.
We know we will settle down one day, but today isn't it. We have always balked at the idea of that 'normal life' that everyone sees as inevitable. Instead, we’ve decided to forge our own path. Instead, we will Unsettle Down and the big adventure starts June 1st in Florence, Italy.
We hope you can relate to our passion to stay mobile and will follow our journey.
Life is short and the world is wide, so let’s do this!
Life is short and the world is wide.